The photograph above was taken in Vancouver, British Columbia in June, 2015. From left to right: Dean Mary Anne Bobinski (Dean of Law: 2003 – 2015); Joost Blom, QC (Dean of Law: 1997-2003); Lynn Smith, QC (Dean of Law: 1991-1997); Catherine Dauvergne (Dean, Peter A. Allard School of Law: 2015 - ); Peter Burns, QC (Dean of Law: 1982 – 1991); Albert ‘Bertie’ McClean, QC (Dean of Law: 1971 – 1976).
Missing from Photo: George Curtis, FOC, OBC, QC (Dean of Law: 1945 – 1971); Kenneth Lysyk, QC (Dean of Law: 1976 – 1982).