The law school held a special ceremony to commemorate the recently installed house post outside of its new building, Allard Hall. On March 20, 2012, over 75 guests from both the UBC and Musqueam community came together to honour the house post that was recently installed outside the new law building, Allard Hall. The special ceremony also served as a way to celebrate the university's historic and ongoing relationship with the Musqueam community.
The carving represents the Musqueam warrior, Capilano (qíyəplènəxʷ) who is widely recognized for leading the people in defending their territory, laws and customs. He also welcomed the first Spanish and English visitors to this region. The 41-foot post was carved by Brent Sparrow Jr. just outside his home on the Musqueam reserve.
"This magnificent and inspiring carving will leave a legacy at the law school and will be enjoyed by generations to come," said Dean Mary Anne Bobinski as she addressed those who came together to honour the house post. "Furthermore, it highlights the Musqueam culture and history for students, faculty, staff and visitors to UBC."
The law school has a long tradition of engagement with First Nations communities and Indigenous legal issues. The First Nations Legal Studies Program offers a broad range of courses taught by faculty who produce leading research in Indigenous law. UBC also operates the First Nations Legal Clinic serving Vancouver's Indigenous urban population in the downtown eastside. A leader in Indigenous legal education in North America, UBC has one of the highest enrollment numbers of First Nations students in Canada.