“During my time at law school I was aware of the many students who required financial aid,” said Klinck. “My gift is intended to provide this kind of support to law students with the particular aim of ensuring the success of Indigenous students.”
In support of this goal, Mr. J. E. (Jack) Klinck, QC generously donated $200,000 to provide $20,000 in annual bursary support for Indigenous law students over a ten year period. The awards assist students enrolled in the law school’s Indigenous Legal Studies Program who meet the award criteria.
Klinck’s donation was made in memory of the founding Dean of the law school, George F. Curtis, OC, OBC, QC who served as Dean from 1945 to 1971. “I was far from being the top student of my class but Dean Curtis kindly acted as one of the two sponsors that were required when I applied to take my Masters of Law degree,” recalls Klinck. "When I was accepted into the LLM program at LSE, I returned to advise Dean Curtis that I had been accepted and to thank him again for his support. With the news of my acceptance, Dean Curtis seemed just as pleased as I was and he went on to describe how wonderful this experience would be for me. His support meant a great deal to me. I hope for the award recipients of this bursary that they too will know how pleased I am to play a small role in assisting them in completing their studies at the Allard School of Law.”
Klinck graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce in 1964, and graduated from the University of British Columbia with an LLB in 1969. He then went on to complete a Masters of Law at the London School of Economics in 1970. Klinck started practicing law in 1971.
Klinck believes in power education has to change a person’s life and to be a catalyst for success. Coupled with his interest in reconciliation efforts to revitalize the relationship between Canada’s Indigenous peoples and other Canadians, Klinck chose to establish a bursary to support Indigenous students so they can be empowered in leadership and continue making important contributions to the field of law and to society as a whole.
“During my time at law school I was aware of the many students who required financial aid,” said Klinck. “My gift is intended to provide this kind of support to law students with the particular aim of ensuring the success of Indigenous students.”
“The Allard School of Law is grateful to Mr. Klinck for his generous gift in support of our Indigenous students,” said Dean Catherine Dauvergne on the occasion. “Creating a more diverse legal profession requires that law school is a realizable and appealing goal regardless of one’s financial circumstances. This gift will help the Allard School of Law in our goal of increasing the inclusion of Indigenous people in our community and in the legal profession.”
The Allard School of Law has long been a leader in Indigenous legal education in North America. With strong support from the students, faculty and staff associated with the Indigenous Legal Studies Program, the law school recruits and supports Indigenous law students, offers courses in Aboriginal and Indigenous law, advances research in partnership with Indigenous peoples and nations, and provides legal assistance to Indigenous individuals through its Indigenous Community Legal Clinic.