Associate Professor Cristie Ford joined the Faculty at the Allard School of Law in 2005, where she is currently the Director of the Centre for Business Law. Professor Ford holds a BA from the University of Alberta, a JD from the University of Victoria, and LLM and JSD degrees from Columbia University. As the recipient of a Killam Faculty Research Fellowship in 2012/2013 and a George Curtis Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence in 2015/2016, Professor Ford is recognized as both an esteemed researcher and educator.
Professor Ford’s research interests include regulatory theory, securities regulation, and administrative law. Through her research, she examines the impact of financial innovation on the regulatory environment. In addition to teaching at the Allard School of Law, Professor Ford’s career has involved working in securities regulation at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP in New York, editing and holding an Executive Board position at the peer-reviewed journal Regulation & Governance, and publishing two books - Innovation and the State: Finance, Regulation, and Justice (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and Canadian Securities Regulation (5th ed., 2014), which was written along side His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston and Kathleen Rockwell.
To learn more, see a Faculty Profile interview with Associate Professor Cristie Ford.