Carpe Diem. Seize the day. This is the motto that Drew Lawrenson lives by, and it is with this energy and love of life that he came to be where he is today. As Vice President, General Counsel of the Eminata Group, the largest provider of post-secondary education in Canada with 43 campuses enrolling more than 15 000 students, Drew engages with stakeholders to build consensus and works with students, employees, governments, businesses and community leaders from across Canada. Having always wanted to see "what it was like on the other side of the desk", the move from private practice into the business world seemed like a logical step, and joining the Eminata Group gave Drew the opportunity to keep doing what he loves most: bringing people together to achieve a common goal.
Law school hadn't always been part of the plan. Halfway through his undergraduate studies at the University of Victoria, Drew spent a semester in Australia working closely with the legal department at Silicon Graphics Pty. It was through this experience that he began to see the opportunities that a legal education could offer. When it came time to choose which law school, UBC was an obvious choice.
"As a lifelong BC resident there was a natural affinity towards attending a law school close to home (though University of Manitoba was in the running). I wanted to study in the community where I envisioned myself working."
Drew has fond memories of UBC Law with graduation day being the most memorable during his three years. He also recalls participating in the annual Larry Young Memorial Justice Bowl, a long-standing rugby match between the UBC Law Illegal Beavers and the Vancouver Police Department's Justice Rugby Club. He was part of the first UBC Law team to beat the VPD since the annual match started, something he will never forget. The classes he took at UBC also made an impression on him.
"I focused on 'black letter' law at UBC. These courses provided me with the foundational tools that I use everyday. Every decision I make is informed by the lessons learned at UBC."
When asked where he sees himself in 10 years, Drew has a simple answer. "10 years from now I hope to find myself as satisfied both personally and professionally as I am today". If he lives by his motto for the next 10 years it's safe to say that Drew Lawrenson will find himself exactly where he hopes to be.