Robert Delorme Plommer grew up in Vancouver, attended Magee high school and fell in love with golf as a junior at the old Shaughnessy Golf Club. While he was attending UBC, the Second World War broke out. After Germany attacked Russia in July 1941, Bob, at 19, decided that he had better enlist because the war might end before his draft number came up. He joined the air force where he became a navigator. He completed 27 bombing missions over Germany and Occupied France with RCAF 432 Squadron under Bomber Command. Only one other crew survived a tour of ops during the six months he was on 432 Squadron.
After the war, he enrolled in the first law class at UBC (after missing about a month due to his late return from the war) and was called to the B.C. bar in 1948. He practised throughout his legal career with Douglas Symes & Brissenden, until he retired in 1990...
For more, read Profile of Robert Delorme Plommer in The Advocate, 70 (2012).