Roy A. Logie

Class of 1955

Roy was born on April 22, 1931 in Victoria, B.C. His father was an engineer on CPR ships. This afforded Roy the opportunity to travel the Pacific Northwest. In doing so, Roy learned the value of respecting people from all walks of life, from the lowest mate to the exalted captain. Roy never forgot this lesson and throughout his life it was a hallmark of the way he dealt with people.

After completing high school in Victoria, Roy studied at UBC and transferred to law, which could be done in that era without an undergraduate degree. He graduated in 1955. Roy made lifelong friends everywhere and law school was no exception. His law school classmates included Judge Alfred Scow, Vic Stephens (at one time head of the B.C. Conservative Party), Lawrence "Bud" King, Clive Nylander, Judge James Shaw and Jack Potter. These people and their families remained in Roy's life for its duration...

...In March 2017 our profession lost one of its most respected and beloved members, Roy A. Logie.

For more, read the "Nos Disparus" profile on Roy A. Logie in The Advocate, 76 (2018).

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